I was really glad I had both because the summit was so windy (thought I might get blown off the edge!)- probably not even 50 degrees if you take in the wind chill factor. You can see how windy it was on Lake Tahoe, even from the summit.
At least there were no clouds of those weird flying bugs like the last time. We were the first ones on the trail, and met no one on the way up. It was about 9:45 by the time we reached the summit, had a little snack, gave Pirate some water, and headed back down. But before that, the obligatory photo, with Reno (and Pirate!) in the background.
I think we ran at least half of the 4.8 miles back to the truck, although I did take a nasty fall on the way down. I kept telling myself in my head to pick up my feet because there were lots of loose rocks, and rocks embedded in the dirt sticking up ready to catch the toes of lazy runners. Anyway, my hands aren't even scratched, but I did tear my new running capris, and bloodied up my right knee pretty decently. Of course I brought band-aids, but had nothing to wipe up the blood running down my shin, so I used soft flat leaves instead. The band-aids I stuck on ended up slipping off somewhere on the trail on the run back down because the blood was too much and too slick. Here is a picture of the dried bloody dirty ickiness I took back at the parking lot.
Reached the truck at 11:05, so it took us 3 hours and 20 minutes total. About the same time it took the first time we did this hike.